
Energy Generated

Energy generated during the reporting period.

Guidance: Include footnote about energy type, (i.e., renewables and non- renewables).

Unit: # MWh

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Renewable energy generated

Renewable energy generated during the reporting period.

Guidance: Institutions should mention the source of renewable energy generated, including waste, hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and other sources as noted.

Unit: # MWh

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Number of New Connections to Energy

Number of connections to energy services during the reporting period.

Guidance: New connections can be obtained by subtracting the previous number of connections from the value at the end of the current reporting period. This metric can be disaggregated by user type for example, (i) underserved - a group of individuals that are inadequately served by the current market [low income, demographic area, gender, youth, etc.], and (ii) residential /non-residential.

Unit: #connections

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Frequency of power outages

Frequency of power outages in the project area measured as system average frequency index (SAIFI) - total number of customer interruptions (annually) / total number of customers served (annually).

Unit: #

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Length of power outages

Length of power outages in the project area measured as system average duration index (SAIDI) - sum of hours of customer interruptions (annually)  / total number of customers served (annually).

Unit: # hours

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Power system commercial losses, % of output

Percentage of non-technical (commercial) losses for utility projects during the reporting period.

Guidance: This metric intends to capture energy delivered to end users, but not paid for - commercial losses (either because of theft, mismanagement in billing systems, lack of consumption meters, etc.). This metric is the result of commercial losses (in currency units) / total sales (in currency units) .

Unit: %

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Power system technical losses, % of output

Percentage of technical losses for utility projects during the reporting period.

Guidance: This metric intends to capture energy generated but not delivered to end users (because of inefficiencies in the energy grid system). This metric is the result of energy generated (in MWh) / energy effectively delivered (in MWh).

Unit: %

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