Objective of the stream

The Work Stream (WS) was formally established after the 2019 Annual Meeting in Madrid and is chaired by Viviane Azevedo of IDB Invest.

The strategic aim of this WS is to ensure that HIPSO has an updated and good scope of direct employment metrics that are fit for purpose in the development impact landscape. In addition, the Stream aims to enhance and devise economic modeling tools for effectively capturing indirect/induced employment estimations for DFIs and other private sector development practitioners, especially as this is increasingly becoming of great interest for DFI shareholders.


  • Draft and update the HIPSO direct employment metrics as needed.
  • Coordinate with other initiatives around these thematic areas to promote harmonization of approaches
    around direct employment, and economic models for indirect/induced employment estimation.
  • Generate and share knowledge on topical issues around employment/jobs related issues in private
    sector development.
