
Energy Generated

Energy generated during the reporting period. Include footnote about energy type, (i.e. Renewables and non renewables)

Unit: # GWh

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Renewable energy generated

Renewable energy generated during the reporting period. Organizations should mention the source of renewable energy generated, including waste, hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and other sources as noted.

Unit: # GWh

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Number of New Connections to Energy

Number of new residential connections

Unit: # household connections

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Number of new connections to energy for underserved groups

Number of new residential connections for underserved groups resulting from the project. Underserved - a group of individuals that are inadequately served by the current market by gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, social and indigenous origin, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

Unit: # household connections

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Average national cost of generation

Cost of power generation

Unit: # cents/kWh

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Average National End User Tariffs

End user tariffs.

Unit: # cents/kWh

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Frequency of power outages

Frequency of power outages measured as SAIFI - total number of customer interruptions / total number of customers served (annual).

Unit: # index

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Average Length of Power Outages

Average length of power outages measured as system average duration index (SAIDI) - sum of all customer interruption durations / total number of customers served (annual).

Unit: # hours

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National power system losses including technical and commercial, % of output

Technical and non-technical (commercial) losses for utility projects in percentage of production.

Unit: # %

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National power system losses: technical, % of output

Electricity effectively delivered by the supplier/ distribution company but not paid for by the end users.

Unit: # %

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National power system losses: commercial, % of output

Electricity effectively delivered by the supplier/ distribution company but not paid for by the end users.

Unit: # %

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