Number of Women in Senior Management
Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) female employees in senior management roles working for the client company or project at the end of the reporting period. Senior management is generally a team of individuals at the highest level of organizational management (usually executive level positions) who have the day-to-day responsibilities of managing a company or corporation. They are often referred to as the “C-suite” and include positions such as Chief Executive Officer – CEO; Chief Financial Officer – CFO; Chief Marketing Officer – CMO; Chief Operations Officer – COO; Chief Information Officer – CIO; Chief Legal Counsel – CLC, etc. Within different corporations, they can also sometimes be referred to as executive management, top management, or upper management.
This metric is intended to capture female representation in Senior Management. Practitioners will need to collect "Total Number of Senior Managers" to get a percentage. Female Senior Managers may also hold ownership stakes or Board or Investment Committee positions in the enterprise. As such, Practitioners should avoid double-counting women who fill multiple roles within an organization by not aggregating HIPSO's "Number of Women in Senior Management" with "Number of Women on the Board", "Number of Investment Committee members who are female", or "Female Direct Jobs Supported (Operations and Maintenance)". Practitioners may also refer to sector-specific gender leadership benchmarks and application guidance as needed, such as those specified by the 2X Challenge (
Applicability: All clients, where applicable. Practitioners may also use this metric for Investees of Investment Funds, where applicable, but it may be difficult to apply to beneficiaries of other intermediated structures, such as onlending through financial intermediaries (e.g. commercial banks).
Unit: #
Number of Women on the Board
Number of women on the 'Board of Directors' of the client company at the end of the reporting period. A board of directors is the governing body of a corporation, composed of a group of individuals that is legally/fiduciarily responsible for overseeing the organization’s management and operations and guiding its strategy. The board is accountable to the shareholders and other relevant stakeholders. A governing body with a different name (e.g., "advisory body") may be considered a Board of Directors provided it has a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders and/or other relevant stakeholders.
This metric is intended to capture female representation within the board of directors, supervisory board, or governing body of an organization. Practitioners will need to collect "Total Number of Board Members" to get a percentage. Female Board Members may also hold ownership stakes, Senior Management positions, or Investment Committee positions in the enterprise. For Financial Intermediaries, the metric refers to the Female Board Members of the Financial Intermediary. For Equity Funds, the metric refers to the Female Board Members of the General Partner. For Investment Fund Investees, also refer to the HIPSO metric "Number of Female Founded Enterprises". Practitioners should avoid double-counting women who fill multiple roles within an organization by not aggregating HIPSO's "Number of Women on the Board" with "Number of Women in Senior Management", "Number of Investment Committee members who are female", or "Female Direct Jobs Supported (Operations and Maintenance)". Practitioners may refer to specific gender benchmarks and application guidance as needed, such as those specified by the 2X Challenge (
Applicability: Direct Equity client, General Partner of a Debt or Equity Fund client, and Investees of Debt and Equity Fund clients
Applicability: Financial Intermediary client or a General Partner of a Debt or Equity Fund client
Unit: #
Number of Investment Committee Members who are Female
Number of female Investment Committee members who are counted as voting members of the investment committee of a Debt or Equity investment Fund or other Financial Intermediary as of the end of the reporting period.
This metric is intended to capture the size of the female representation on the investment committee of a financial intermediary or a general partner of a debt or equity fund. Practitioners will need to collect "Total Number of Investment Committee members" to get a percentage. Practitioners should avoid double-counting women who fill multiple roles within an organization by not aggregating HIPSO's "Number of Investment Committee members who are Female" with "Number of Women on the Board", "Number of Women in Senior Management", or "Female Direct Employment Supported (Operations and Maintenance)". Practitioners may refer to specific gender benchmarks and application guidance as needed, such as those specified by the 2X Challenge (
Applicability: Direct Equity client, General Partner of a Debt or Equity Fund client, and Investees of Debt and Equity Fund clients
Applicability: Financial Intermediary client or a General Partner of a Debt or Equity Fund client.
Unit: #
Number of Female Founded Enterprises
Number of enterprises in which there is an active female founder(s). Female founder(s) must retain an active role in the organization as of the end of the reporting period. An active role may include acting in an advisory capacity for key decisions and does not necessarily require a full-time role at the organization.
Practitioners may refer to specific gender benchmarks and application guidance as needed, such as those specified by the 2X Challenge (
Applicability: Direct Equity client, General Partner of a Debt or Equity Fund client, and Investees of Debt and Equity Fund clients
Unit: #
Female Direct Jobs Supported (Operations and Maintenance)
Number of full-time equivalent female workers, as per local definition, working for the client company or investment project at the end of the reporting period unless there is seasonal variation (see guidance for “Direct Jobs Supported (Operations and Maintenance)”).
This includes female individuals hired directly and female individuals hired through third party agencies, as long as those female individuals provide services related to the operations and maintenance of the client company or investment project. This also includes full-time equivalent worked by seasonal, contractual and part-time workers.
Refer to guidance for “Direct Jobs Supported (Operations and Maintenance)”.
Applicability: All clients, where applicable. Practitioners may also use this metric for Investees of Investment Funds, where applicable, but it may be difficult to apply to beneficiaries of other intermediated structures, such as onlending through financial intermediaries (e.g. commercial banks).
Unit: # FTEs
Female Construction Jobs (Temporary Construction)
Number of temporary full-time equivalent workers hired for the construction of the investment project’s hard assets during the reporting period.
Refer to guidance for “Construction Jobs (Temporary Construction)”.
Applicability: All clients, where applicable. Practitioners may also use this metric for Investees of Investment Funds, where applicable, but it may be difficult to apply to beneficiaries of other intermediated structures, such as onlending through financial intermediaries (e.g. commercial banks).
Unit: # FTEs
Female Direct Jobs Created by the Investment (Operations and Maintenance)
Number of new full-time equivalent female workers, as per local definition, that are hired as a direct consequence of the investment project implementation during the reporting period. This includes female individuals hired directly and female individuals hired through third party agencies, as long as those individuals provide services related to the operations and maintenance of the investment project. This also includes new full-time equivalent work by female seasonal, contractual and part-time workers. Existing female workers on the records of the client company prior to the investment project are not to be included in this indicator, except where the base case establishes that existing female jobs are terminating without the investment project.
Unit: # FTEs
Number of Female Students Enrolled
Number of female students enrolled at the end the reporting period, both full-time and part-time, where each discrete student is counted regardless of number of courses.
Practitioners will need to collect total "Students Enrolled" to get a percentage.
Applicability: Beneficiaries of clients in Education sector.
Unit: #
Number of Female Patients Served
Number of female patient consultations provided by the client company during the reporting period.
Practitioners will need to collect total "Patients Served" to get a percentage.
Applicability: Beneficiaries of clients in Health sector.
Unit: #