J-009 — Direct Jobs Supported (Operations and Maintenance)
J-010 — Construction Jobs (Temporary Construction)
J-011 — Direct Jobs Created by the Investment (Operations and Maintenance)
Jobs Supported
Direct Jobs Supported (Operations and Maintenance)
Number of full-time equivalent workers, as per local definition, working for the client company or investment project at the end of the reporting period unless there is seasonal variation (see guidance).
This includes individuals hired directly and individuals hired through third party agencies, as long as those individuals provide services related to the operations and maintenance of the client company or investment project. This also includes full-time equivalent worked by seasonal, contractual and part-time workers.
Unit: #FTEs
Construction Jobs (Temporary Construction)
Number of temporary full-time equivalent workers hired for the construction of the investment project’s hard assets during the reporting period.
Jobs Created
Direct Jobs Created by the Investment (Operations and Maintenance)
Number of new full-time equivalent workers, as per local definition, that are hired as a direct consequence of the investment project implementation during the reporting period. This includes individuals hired directly and individuals hired through third party agencies, as long as those individuals provide services related to the operations and maintenance of the investment project. This also includes new full-time equivalent work by seasonal, contractual and part-time workers. Existing workers on the records of the client company prior to the investment project are not to be included in this indicator, except where the base case establishes that existing jobs are terminating without the investment project.
Unit: #FTEs
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