Number of connections to water services
Number of connections to water services during the reporting period.
Guidance: New connections can be obtained by subtracting the previous number of connections from the value at the end of the current reporting period. This metric can be disaggregated by user type for example, (i) underserved - a group of individuals that are inadequately served by the current market [demographic area, gender, youth etc.], and (ii) residential / non-residential.
Unit: # connections
Number of connections to wastewater services
DEFINITION: Number of new residential connections resulting from the project - if relevant including to underserved groups e.g. low income, previously excluded, rural populations (households) receiving water distribution services in a given year.
Unit: # connections
Period of water supply
Number of hours of water supply per day from the project.
Unit: # hours/day
Water Pressure
DEFINITION: Water pressure measured by the time it takes to fill a liter of water.
Guidance: This metric is measured as a comparison of the water pressure before and after project implementation.
Unit: # hours/day
Non-revenue water (%) (commercial loss)
Percentage of water effectively delivered by the supplier/ distribution company but not paid for by the end users. (water paid for by consumer / water delivered to consumer).
Unit: %
Non-revenue water (%) (technical loss)
Percentage of physical water losses during transmission and distribution.
Guidance: This metric captures the difference between the amount of water supplied and the amount of water delivered to the end users.
Unit: %