
Wastewater Treated

Amount of wastewater treated to appropriate standards during the reporting period, measured in cubic meters. May also include the amount of untreated wastewater discharges avoided.

Unit: # m3

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Number of new connections to water and wastewater services

DEFINITION:Number of new residential connections resulting from the project - if relevant including to underserved groups e.g. low income, previously excluded, rural populations (households) receiving water distribution services in a given year.

Unit: # household connections

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Number of New Connections to Water and Wastewater Services for Underserved Groups (total)

Number of new residential connections for underserved groups resulting from the project. Underserved - a group of individuals that are inadequately served by the current market by gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, social and indigenous origin, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

Unit: # household connections

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Average Period of Water Supply (Average hours / day)

DEFINITION:Number of continuous hours of water supply per day from the project

Unit: # hours/day

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Water Pressure

DEFINITION:Change in the water pressure measured by the time it takes to fill a unit of water (seconds/liter)

Unit: # seconds/liter

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Non-Revenue Water (%) (commercial)

DEFINITION:Water effectively delivered by the supplier/ distribution company but not paid for by the end users. (water paid for by consumer / water delivered to consumer)

Unit: %

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Non-Revenue Water (%) (technical)

DEFINITION:Physical water losses during transmission and distribution. Difference between the amount of water supplied and the amount of water delivered to the end users.

Unit: %

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Renewable Energy Generated

The amount of renewable energy generated from waste (For projects focused on Water/Waste Sanitation, organizations should note renewable energy generated from waste.)

Unit: # GWh

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